Broken Spoke

3201 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78704
512-442-6189 Est. 1964
"Last of the True Texas Dancehalls" -
James M. White
The Marker was dedicated on Wed. April 12, 2023, which is also James M. White's Bday. It was officially dedicated by Tx First Lady Cecilia Abbott and Annetta White (Spoke Owner & Wife of James M. White).
Speakers at the Ceremony was Ginny White-Peacock (Daughter of James & Annetta White), Monte Warden (Wagoneers), Donna Marie Miller (author of the Broken Spoke Book), Ryan Alter (District 5 Austin City Council), Bob Ward (TX Historical Marker Commission) & Cecilia Abbott.
Alvin Crow & Ian Stewart played fiddles on the porch as guests arrived and Emily Ann Jones sang our National Anthem. Boy Howdy did she sing it! There was a free dance after the ceremony.
Thank Y'all for Joining Us for this Monumental Day!